Monday 11 February 2013

Start of the group project

I've got some social problems and I haven't got to know that many people on the course, there are some I haven't even spoke to at all. So I was worried about the group project and who I might get put with. I didn't want to have any issues or not feel like I couldn't talk to the group about what we were doing, I just didn't want things to be awkward and then end up having a rubbishy project.

Thankfully I'm happy with the group I got put in and haven't really got any problems with anyone, its not that everyone seems really nice or anything but its more that everyone seems like we will be able to just get on with the work and work well as a group. Which is important to me.

We've already met up twice, once to have an initial chat and discuss what roles within the group might be, when we will meet up and how we can keep in contact during the project. I think the first meet up went well and laid some basic ground rules and broke the ice.

The second meet up was to visit the Queens Building and start gathering reference and ideas. We mainly walked around separately so we would have a broad variety of photos from different locations etc.

Over the last week we've been working separately to come up with ideas, mood boards, concepts etc ready to show each other on Tuesday 12th Feb. I thought I might struggle to come up with ideas, the building is interesting but there isn't masses of things you can do it that probably haven't already been done, and I'd like it if the group could be at least somewhat original.

Here is one of the concepts that I've done for one of my ideas - Spider Infestation.

I've put together a small presentation to give the group about my idea and what might work, what might not etc. I think it could work well, but I'll have to see what the group thinks tomorrow.

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